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Flood Damage Prevention

The Local Flood Hazard

The City of Oak Ridge North has two major watersheds. Each of these watersheds has areas that are subject to flooding, both from rising stream waters and localized street and yard flooding. Stream flooding areas have been mapped by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); however, localized street flooding has not been mapped. Your property may have never been flooded or may be shown on the FEMA maps to be outside the mapped limits of flooding.

However, there is no guarantee that your property will never flood. Statistics show that the 100-Year (1%) storm event has approximately a 30% chance of occurring over a 30-year mortgage period. This web page should give you some ideas of what you can do to protect your property.

Citizens of Oak Ridge North can obtain flood information concerning flooding, flood maps, mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements, flood insurance requirements and inquiries, and flood zone determinations from the Community Development Department located at City Hall or by calling 281.292.4648. Elevation Certificates of all submitted properties in the Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA's) are available and on file at City Hall, and copies are available upon request.

To register for FEMA assistance or if you have questions about your flood insurance policy/claim:


New floodplain maps were released in August 2014 but did not reflect the correct floodplain within the city limits.   The city appealed and was granted a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) on January 5, 2015.  Since this was a map revision, the official Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) were not changed to reflect this LOMR.  This could result in properties incorrectly being placed in the floodplain and therefore paying higher rates.  We suggest that you contact the city if you believe your insurance agency or Mortgage Company incorrectly placed your property in the floodplain.

2015 LOMR

For more information on Disaster Relief go to:

The Local Flood Hazard

The City of Oak Ridge North has two major watersheds. Each of these watersheds has areas that are subject to flooding, both from rising stream waters and localized street and yard flooding. Stream flooding areas have been mapped by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); however, localized street flooding has not been mapped. Your property may have never been flooded or may be shown on the FEMA maps to be outside the mapped limits of flooding.

For more information on Disaster Relief go to:

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